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May we never lose that way of enjoying life that is so unique to us, that which no one else can be.

A This Is Libre campaign for Campofrio directed by Dionisio Naranjo

Rasca Flower Power

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I might be a hippie, but not that much.

Cheer up your spirit with the new Ogilvy campaign for ONCE directed by Ayala

Visalia: No es normal, es mejor

The Summer Agency

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We traveled 9,500 km away to find out what the citizens of Visalia, California, think about the new Visalia flat rate. Harry presents ‘Visalia in Visalia’, directed by Yolanda Centeno.

Movistar Prosegur Alarmas: Tecnología para proteger mejor

Mono Madrid

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Mono Madrid presents: Tecnología para proteger mejor.

The supersecurity which Movistar Prosegur Alarmas gives your home, its also given to you.

The last production from Harry, directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

Mapfre: 24/7 en acción


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Estamos muy felices por presentar nuestra última campaña para Mapfre. Un gran reto apasionante.
“24/7 en acción”, una idea de McCann dirigida por Ayala.

Basado en partes reales

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(ENG)Las cosas extraordinarias pueden suceder en cualquier momento y sobre todo en Navidad

Presentamos “Basado en partes reales” una idea de McCann para Mapfre dirigida por Ayala

1906: La Mochila 1906

This is Libre

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We have created an algorithm that converts the vital backpack of Spaniards into kilograms, and we have asked ourselves a question: can we live with this real backpack on our backs?

LA MOCHILA, a new project of Cervezas 1906 directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

Philips Hue: Tiger


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Cibrán Isasi ha dirigido Tiger, la última producción de Harry. Una idea de Signify para Philips Hue  

ONCE: Te toca bienvivir


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“Te toca bienvivir” es una idea de Ogilvy para ONCE dirigida por Dionisio Naranjo.


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When you look at yourself in the mirror, take a good look at yourself and keep everything that is reflected in it.

Campaign directed by Dionisio Naranjo.
An idea by Ogilvy for DECATHLON.

DGT: The album of the Christmas you couldn’t live through


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People’s stories must serve to help and inspire others. This is Fanny’s story, which can no longer be changed, but there are many others that can still be changed.

We present the latest DGT campaign, an idea by Ogilvy directed by Ayala.



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Nómadas es un retrato generacional sobre los jóvenes y su visión sobre el sistema. Se trata de la Ópera Prima de Ingrid García Jonsson. Ha sido un viaje increíble juntos. Muy intenso, pero simplemente maravilloso. Lo podéis ver en Amazon Prime Video, Movistar Plus y Youtube.

Decathlon: Vuelta al Cole


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Presentamos La vuelta al cole de Decathlon, dirigido por Yolanda Centeno. Una idea de Ogilvy.

Burger King: Apunta alto



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Una campaña de David para Burger King dirigida por Yolanda Centeno.

Pescanova: La remontada del salmón


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¿No te has parado a pensar alguna vez que vivimos como salmones que van río arriba nadando a contracorriente?

Ayala ha dirigido la última campaña de Rosàs para Pescanova.

Atlético de Madrid: Bullying

Sra. Rushmore

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2 de mayo Día Internacional contra el Acoso Escolar.

Una campaña contra el Bullying de Sra Rushmore para Atlético de Madrid dirigida por Ayala.

ING: La quieres… pero no tanto.

Sra. Rushmore

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La quieres… pero no tanto.
La última campaña de Sra. Rushmore para ING dirigida por Dionisio Naranjo.

Correos: Vive donde quieras


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Nothing prevents you from living where you want, they make it easy for you.


Campaign directed by Dionisio Naranjo and Ayala. An idea from TBWA\España for Correos.

ONCE: Qué bello es repartir

Sra. Rushmore

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How beautiful is to share…!
Campaign directed by Dionisio Naranjo.
An idea of Sra. Rushmore for ONCE.

ONCE: El subidón del verano

Sra. Rushmore

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Llega el Subidón del Verano!!!

La última producción de HARRY dirigida por Ayala. Una idea de Sra. Rushmore para Once.

Dodot: Tan Agustito


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We present the last Dodot “Tan Agustito” Campaign, a VMLY&R  idea.

HARRY´s production directed by Yolanda Centeno.

c de c 2021: José Luis Esteo “Charcos”

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Os presentamos la última pieza que hemos realizado para la entrega de C de C de Honor de José Luis Esteo dirigida por Ayala.

Una idea de Miguel Vizcaino y Pingüi.

Volkswagen: “Soñar el Doble”

DDB Barcelona

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We present the last campaign from Volkswagen, a DDB Barcelona idea.

A HARRY production, directed by Ayala.

Telefónica: Terminal 5G


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Movistar “Terminal 5G”

La última producción de HARRY dirigida por Yolanda Centeno. Una idea de McCann para Telefónica.

La Villita: “El detector de la desigualdad”


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Until this detector is installed on everyone’s head, the inequality will keep making noise.

From Harry we are happy to present “The Inequality Detector”, a McCann campaign for La Villita directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

You don´t want it. You need it.

El Botín De Sabritas

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It is a pleasure to present the last Netflix Campaign for Sabritas. A HARRY production directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

Loot has never been so tasty.

Platano de Canarias: Come, Ríe, Bebe

LOLA MullenLowe

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We present the new Christmas Campaign from LOLA MullenLowe for Plátano de Canarias. A HARRY´s production directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

¡Merry Christmas and take care!

Platano de Canarias: Come, Ríe, Bebe

LOLA MullenLowe

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We present the new Christmas Campaign from LOLA MullenLowe for Plátano de Canarias. A HARRY´s production directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

¡Merry Christmas and take care!

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IKEA: “Estás aprendiendo mucho”


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IKEA «You are learning».

The last HARRY´s production directed by Yolanda Centeno. A McCann idea for IKEA.

McDonald's: Es hora de volver a encontrarnos


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Is time to meet again…

The last HARRY´s production directed by Dionisio Naranjo. An idea of TBWA for McDonald´s.

McDonald's: Es hora de volver a encontrarnos


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Is time to meet again…

The last HARRY´s production directed by Dionisio Naranjo. An idea of TBWA for McDonald´s.

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Victor Carrey, Welcome to HARRY´s Family.


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We are delighted to be able to share with you #seguimosconectados, the last HARRY´s campaign directed by Dionisio Naranjo. A McCann´s idea for Telefónica.

La Villita: Juntos lo hacemos mejor


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We are so Happy to present  “Juntos lo hacemos mejor”, An idea of McCann for La Villita.

The last HARRY´s campaign directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

McDonald's: “Mc Extreme”


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Imanol Ruiz de Lara directed the last McDonald´s campaign.  A HARRY´s production for TBWA.

Yoigo: “Invasión”

Pingüino Torreblanca

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We are so happy to present Yoigo “Invasión”, the last HARRY´s campaign directed by Imanol Ruiz de Lara. An idea of Pingüino Torreblanca for Yoigo.

Pescanova: Navidad 2019

LOLA MullenLowe

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You had asked for it and.. #VuelveElCalvo this Christmas with Pescanova. ¡Is Magic Time! 

The last HARRY´s production directed by Dionisio Naranjo. An idea of LOLA Mullenlowe for Pescanova.

Pescanova: Navidad 2019

LOLA MullenLowe

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You had asked for it and.. #VuelveElCalvo this Christmas with Pescanova. ¡Is Magic Time! 

The last HARRY´s production directed by Dionisio Naranjo. An idea of LOLA Mullenlowe for Pescanova.

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Harry, just soft stories.

By Peseta.

Twitter: Adictos


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We are happy to present “Adictos“, the last HARRY´s campaign directed by  Dionisio Naranjo.

An idea of David Mad for Twitter.

Pescanova: Miedo al pescado

LOLA MullenLowe

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In october 1999 a couple of tourist disappeared in the abandoned Kovlov residence near the coastal town of Khatyrka, Russia.

They were never seen again.

Until this tape was found.

Cosmo: Idents 2019

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We´re very happy to announce our last campaign for Cosmo. A very special piece directed by Imanol Ruiz De Lara.

McDonald's: Familias


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Ayala directed the last McDonald´s “Family” campaign. A HARRY´s production for TBWA.

Fripozo: Estamos hechos para compartir


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We are so happy to present ” Estamos muy felices por presentar “Sharing has made us great”, the last HARRY´s campaign directed by Ayala. An idea of BtoB for Fripozo.

McDonald's: Big Mac


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The last TBWA campaign for McDonald´s.

A HARRY´s production directed by Yolanda Centeno.

McDonald's: Big Mac


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The last TBWA campaign for McDonald´s.

A HARRY´s production directed by Yolanda Centeno.

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Last Pink Lab campaign for García Baquero, produced by HARRY and directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

Movistar: “Renace la Champions”


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¡The Champion is reborn! 

A McCann´s campaign for Movistar produced by HARRY and directed by Imanol Ruiz de Lara.

Yoigo: Abducciones

Pingüino Torreblanca

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It has been a pleasure to do this Pingüino Torreblanca campaign for Yoigo.

A HARRY´s production directed by Imanol Ruiz de Lara.


Movistar: Facetime


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iPhone Xs “Facetime”, our last campaign. An idea of  McCann for Movistar y Apple, directed by  Imanol Ruiz de Lara.

Movistar: Facetime


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iPhone Xs “Facetime”, our last campaign. An idea of  McCann for Movistar y Apple, directed by  Imanol Ruiz de Lara.

Harry, just yummy stories

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Good stories are written around the table.

Movistar: Tranquilidad


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We present Movistar “Tranquilidad”  the last Imanol Ruiz de Lara campaign produced by HARRY. An idea of McCann.

Pescanova: Rodolfos

LOLA MullenLowe

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“Rodolfos” the new´s HARRY´s campaign for Lola MullenLowe, directed by Dionisio Naranjo with Vicente del Bosque.

IKEA: Familiarizados


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Ikea, the new McCann idea produced by HARRY and directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

We disconnect to reconnect.

Secretariado Gitano: “Lección Gitana”


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Lección Gitana”  Harry campaign directed by  Jia Jie for JWT.

Santander: Football Can


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We are so happy to present Santander “Football Can”! A Havas campaign for Santander directed by Imanol Ruiz de Lara.

Huawei: Langosta

M&C Saatchi

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Ayala was directed the new campaign of M&C Saatchi for Huawei.
“Una promoción cogida con pinzas”…
…and the music video “Resóplame la langosta”.

Huawei: Langosta

M&C Saatchi

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Ayala was directed the new campaign of M&C Saatchi for Huawei.
“Una promoción cogida con pinzas”…
…and the music video “Resóplame la langosta”.

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Nuestra pieza para Vogue “Europa II”, dirigida por Imanol Ruiz de Lara, gana el premio a Mejor Película y Mejor Director en La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival 2018, además de 9 nominaciones.

Toyota: Conduce como piensas


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Now, more than ever. Each of our acts counts to build the place where we want to live.

Dionisio Naranjo has directed the last campaign of  Toyota “Conduce como piensas”.                Harry production for The&Partnership

Amstel Radler: Motivado


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Amstel Radler. Everything starts with a motivated one.

Harry´s last campaign for Publips by Imanol Ruiz de Lara.


Pavofrío: Fantasmas


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We are so happy to present the last McCann´s campaign for Pavofrío directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

Ron Barceló: Desalia


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The world would be better if you had chosen it.

Ayala has directed McCann´s campaign for Ron Barceló Desalia 2018.

Vogue: Europa II

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Unique Women. Gamers. Women who escape to other planets . Heroines. Astronauts. Do we play Europe II?

Written and directed by Imanol Ruiz de Lara.

A production of HARRY for Vogue.

Yoigo: Pienso, luego Yoigo.

Pingüino Torreblanca

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“Pienso luego Yoigo”, a campaign of Pingüino Torreblanca for Yoigo directed by Imanol Ruiz de Lara and produced by Harry.



UNICEF: Regalo Azul


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Ayala directed “Blue Present”, the last campaign of J. Walter Thompson Spain for UNICEF that we produced in Harry. Here you can watch the first spot.

Viceroy: Tío Antonio y Tía Carmen


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How important it is to get the Christmas present …

Harry  produced McCann’s last campaign for Viceroy, directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

Bankia: De Acuerdo


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It has been a real pleasure to have produced CLV‘s last campaign for BANKIA, directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

We never agree…

Pavofrío: Deliciosa Calma


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Deliciosa Calma” by Pavofrío, Harry’s latest production for McCann directed by Dionisio Naranjo.

A balanced society also helps reduce stress.